Daughter's Eulogy

Friday, August 24, 2012


Mom has been telling me that she is having a hard time walking.  She feels like she is dragging her feet and could fall.  The shoes she has been wearing are the ones that I brought her when her feet were swollen about six weeks ago.  Mom says that she likes the shoes big because she has always had problems with bunions and at least the bunions don’t hurt because her shoes are loose.  However, mom tripping is a huge health risk with her osteoporosis.  Five years ago, mom just stood up and broke four bones in her hip and femur bone.   I was not willing to gamble with mom’s health.

So after I had gone to Walmart on a shopping spree for mom’s shoes, I stopped by to show mom the shoes and have her try them on.   Since mom cannot go shopping, I like to give her a choice so I brought her two different styles.   Mom knew exactly which ones she wanted; the shoes she selected were completely different than the two pairs she already had.  After fitting the beige shoes on her feet, mom smiled.  Her bunions did not hurt; the new shoes were a perfect fit.  Halleluiah!
As I do with most things I bring mom, I snapped a photo of mom wearing her new shoes.

The bonus was that when I stopped by Jamie was there with mom.  Jamie and mom were having a nice time.  When Jamie arrived he said mom was playing Bingo so he sat there and they played together.   Being a beautiful day, they also went for a nice walk outside and had just returned when I arrived.   Mom claimed she was tired after the whole ordeal.

Then Jamie had a suggestion for a cute picture.  He asked mom if she remembered ‘My Three Sons” an American situation comedy that aired in the 60s and early 70s about a father with three sons.  The theme song featured three pairs of shoes tapping to the beat of their theme song.  Being the photographer of the group, I said I would try to recreate the photo with just the three of us. 


Since this is not a video, you would have to use your imagination to see our feet tapping.  Mom enjoys the comedic value of us acting silly; Jamie and I enjoy having fun with mom, too. 

After our shenanigans, mom was anxious to go back to the activity room because she promised to exercise with Shirley* today and they only had 15 minutes left of their class.  Jamie and I walked mom to the activity room so she would not break her promise.  Mom hugged and kissed us both and told us how much she loved spending time together.

Of course, before we left I felt we had a Kodak moment so I snapped another photo of our visit together.

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