Daughter's Eulogy

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Overliving . . . Say What?

When I saw mom today, I started off by asking mom for a special favor.   

Mom responded, “Julienne, anything.” 

“A special friend’s daughter is having surgery tomorrow; her daughter has been very sick.   I mentioned that you and I would pray for her daughter’s surgery goes well.  Would you mind if we offer our prayers up for her today?” 
“I can’t pray without you.  I don’t remember the words.” 

“You can repeat what I say.” 

I wheeled mom over to a chair so I could sit and hold her hands while we prayed.  Once I began mom joined me saying the prayer right along with me.  She had not forgotten the words.  After we finished praying the ‘Our Father’, mom looked up and said, “Was that good?”
I nodded and said, “Very good, mom, thank you.” 

Just then Dana* walked over to say hello.  She had some good news for us, “Your mom seems to be doing well.  Her doctor has lowered two of her medications.  He has cut her anxiety medication and her sleeping pill.” 

My response was one of shock and concern, “Why would he do that when mom has been doing so well?” 

“It is a state law that when a person in mom’s condition starts feeling better we try to reduce those types of medications. If she responds poorly, he will prescribe them again.  He is always trying to make sure that residents are not over medicated.” 

“I am highly concerned about mom becoming anxious.” 

“The good news is that he decreased her medication over a week ago; no one has noticed any change in her condition.” 

Mom said, “Stopping some of my medications:  Is that good or bad?” 

Dana* piped up immediately, “That’s good, really good. Gilda, it means you are doing well enough you might not need as much medication.” 

“What’s the deal; how can I get better?”

“I am not sure myself;  I do not think anyone here has an answer.”   

“Are you ok with this?” Mom asked me. 

“Mom, of course, I am ok with this.  I want you to feel good every day.”

“Are people back home confused why I am still alive?” 

“I am certain they are happy you are feeling better." 

 “Julienne, am I over-living?” 

“What do you mean over-living?” 

“I was supposed to die a long time ago.” 

“Mom, we do not know what God has planned for us in the future.  Just enjoy each day God gives you.” 

“So I’ll just wait for Him,” mom said so seriously. 

“Good idea, mom.”

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